As you may know, NWLC is opposing the nomination of Neomi Rao, Trump’s pick to replace Brett Kavanaugh, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. To give a quick review of Rao, she has: blamed survivors for being assaulted if they were drunk, promoted the false and dangerous narrative that women make false rape accusations to avoid responsibility. While serving in the Trump administration, she rubberstamped the rollback of Title IX protections for survivors of sexual violence in schools, blocked workplace protections, stalled EEOC harassment guidance, and approved radical changes to Title X family planning programs.After Neomi Rao’s hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, she submitted an apology letter addressing some of her prior statements about sexual assault. Here are a few points to focus on when discussing D.C. Circuit Nominee Neomi Rao.