Our Lawsuit:
Along with co-counsel Levy Vinick Burrell Hyams LLP, we filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of the State of California, San Diego County, against cable manufacturing company CableConn Industries, Inc., its CEO and President, and two company supervisors who sexually harassed three of their female workers. The lawsuit alleges that the defendants violated California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, along with other state laws, by sexually harassing and assaulting the three women, and that the company violated these laws by failing to prevent and appropriately address the unsafe work environment.
The lawsuit is filed on behalf of two former employees of CableConn and a current employee, each of whom faced sexual harassment and, in some cases, sexual assault, by CableConn supervisors. The plaintiffs are women of color who worked as cable assemblers at the company. In the case of one plaintiff, repeated unwanted sexual advances culminated in sexual assault. Another was subjected to unwanted sexual advances, sexual rumors, and separate instances of forcible sexual touching – and, after she felt forced to resign from the company, the same supervisor subjected the woman’s mother, the third plaintiff in the lawsuit, to unwanted sexual advances, groping, and remarks. CableConn failed to investigate and address its supervisors’ misconduct and, instead, protected the harassers and allowed them to remain in positions where they continued harassing the women. CableConn then retaliated against the women, forcing two of them to feel they had no choice but to resign, and the third to face heightened scrutiny of her requests for medical and caregiving leave.
The lawsuit represents NWLC’s first lawsuit focused on workplace sex harassment, and a critical tool in NWLC’s multifaceted efforts to combat sex discrimination, including sex harassment, in the workplace. The TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund and Legal Network for Gender Equity, housed and administered by the National Women’s Law Center Fund LLC, connect survivors of workplace sex harassment with legal help and, in selected cases, provide financial support to defray the costs of legal and public relations assistance. NWLC also uses the law to fight for the rights of survivors of workplace sex harassment in policy and society.
Our Partners:
We are proud to co-counsel with the law firm of Levy Vinick Burrell Hyams LLP in representing the three women plaintiffs in this litigation.
Court Filings: