NWLC Reacts to Senate Republicans Rule Change for Judicial Nominations
(Washington, D.C.) Yesterday, Senate Republicans made a rule change that slashes the amount of post-cloture debate time on district court nominees and sub-cabinet level executive nominees to just two hours.
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“It’s a no-brainer that nominees who are heading to our courts for lifetime positions must be vetted thoroughly. But Senate Republicans are more concerned with jamming Trump’s harmful judicial picks through. Alarmingly, judges like Matthew Kacsmaryk who opposes protections based on sex, and Wendy Vitter who spreads junk science about birth control will now be put through a swift process of careless confirmation. The courts are the ultimate protector of our fundamental rights and we cannot allow Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans to use this rule change as a ploy to push their anti-civil rights extremist agenda.”
For immediate release: April 4, 2019
Contact: Inés Rénique ([email protected])