NWLC Demands Impeachment and Removal of President Trump, Accountability for Assault on U.S. Capitol
(Washington, D.C.) The following is a statement from Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center:
“Like millions of Americans, I am horrified and disgusted by the chaos and violence that Trump—and his allies—unleashed yesterday. While he has always posed a grave danger to our country, it is clear he cannot be allowed to sit in that office another day and must be impeached and removed immediately. Likewise, his enablers in Congress must be held accountable for their attempt to subvert our democracy and embolden these terrorists.
“The disconnect between the treatment of peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters this summer and violent insurrectionists this week puts our unequal society on full display, making all the more clear the national travesty Black people have lived with for generations. The failure of the Capitol Police and the delay of the National Guard demand a transparent and thorough investigation to ensure the safety of our government and people of D.C. who keep it functioning.”