Cassidy-Sinema Proposal Pretends to be Paid Leave, Says NWLC
(Washington, D.C.) Today, Senators Cassidy and Sinema and Representatives Allred and Stefanik introduced legislation that purports to be paid family leave, but in fact asks families to borrow against their future Child Tax Credit benefits.
The following is a statement by Melissa Boteach, NWLC Vice-President for Income Security and Child Care/Early Learning:
“The Cassidy-Sinema proposal is not paid leave. It leaves out a significant swath of workers and fails to provide job protections for caregivers who could risk losing their job for taking leave—and it asks families to borrow against their own future investments in their children. Policymakers must reject this bill and support comprehensive legislation with bipartisan support—the FAMILY Act.”
For Immediate Release: December 4, 2019
Contact: LySaundra Campbell ([email protected])