Administration’s Proposed Public Charge Rule Undermines Our Core Values as a Nation, Says NWLC
(Washington, D.C.) Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that it would propose a rule dramatically changing the definition of “public charge.” The rule would prevent immigrant families from entering the country or obtaining legal permanent residence status if they use a variety of health, food, or housing assistance. This drastic change is punitive, discriminatory, and will cause families to forego resources and benefits for which they are eligible, to the detriment of their health, safety, and well-being.
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“This draconian rule undermines our deepest values as a nation by forcing immigrant families to make an impossible choice between meeting their basic needs or staying together. Families—including children—will be denied health care, food, shelter, and other essential resources. Immigrants are a vital part of our country’s DNA—they are our coworkers, our classmates, and our neighbors. We must raise our voices now to oppose this dangerous and discriminatory policy.”
For immediate release: September 23, 2018
Contact: Maria Patrick ([email protected]) or Olympia Feil ([email protected])