Our Love Letter to Queer Students and Educators

Dear queer students and educators,
This Valentine’s Day, we’re sending you a love letter.
And an often-overlooked part of love is making space for pain.
You’re seeing so much terrifying news every single day. Cruel politicians who are using your identity as a political battleground. What they’re doing is disgusting—and they should be ashamed.
There is so much that you have to hold when you’re just trying to go to school and to work, to learn and to teach, to live your normal lives.
We want to hold some of that for you.
In the midst of all this hatred, we want to tell you that no matter what, you have a community that loves you, supports you, and is ready to welcome you with open arms.
These attempts to erase any appearance of queerness in education are deeply painful, but queer students and educators like you still bring joy and creativity to the classroom every day.
But love is not just acceptance or support. Love is celebration. And let’s be clear: You deserve to be celebrated.
Everyone remembers that one teacher who made them feel seen and safe. To all queer educators, for so many students, you are that person.
And to all queer students, you belong in the classroom with your classmates. You make our schools thrive—and our schools should be a place where you can thrive, too.
To both queer students and educators, you deserve to work and learn in a place that celebrates and welcomes the fullness of your identity.
We also know that part of love is action—and backing you up.
And for you and with you, we’re really angry. You deserve for the people who say they love you to take up the mantle and fight for you. You deserve to not have to convince people that the way you’re treated and talked about is a huge deal.
This Valentine’s Day, you deserve every single facet of love. To have someone see you and accept you and fight for you fully.
We hope you dance and love and smile today. And don’t forget: The world is a better place with you in it.
Your friends at NWLC