Senate Votes to Block Contraception Bill

National Women’s Law Center, a local non-profit, also issued a statement urging Congress to consider the importance of this bill as a human rights matter.

“They are purposely conflating birth control and abortion, redefining pregnancy in ways that could criminalize the use of birth control, or otherwise trying to undermine access to contraception, especially methods like emergency contraception and intrauterine devices (IUDs),” the organization wrote in their online release. “Activists opposed to birth control have already created a detailed policy plan for what they hope will be another Trump administration starting in 2025, a plan that targets emergency contraception and seeks to use the federal government’s powers to undermine contraceptive access. The Right to Contraception Act itself is a telling example of the threat to birth control rights and access.”

OUTLET: Washington Informer
Senate Votes to Block Contraception Bill