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NWLC In The Press

I had to conceive my child through IVF. Now I’m racing to get an IUD.

This idea has resonated with women in all sorts of circumstances. Searches for IUDs spiked immediately after election night, according to Google Trends. CoverHer, a birth-control resource from the National Women’s Law Center, saw an...

Sexual Harassment Survivors Talk About the Aftermath of Going Public

Outright workplace discrimination against a woman who’s complained about sexual harassment is against the law, says Emily Martin, general counsel at the National Women’s Law Center in Washington. But the reality does not always match...

The Biased Policies That Are Pushing Black Girls Out of School

When children are punished for unfair and unspecific infractions like “defiance,” they are more likely to mistrust adults, they end up with lower grades from losing class time, and they have a higher likelihood of...

The gender wage gap in the US could get worse under Donald Trump

"I like to think of wage gap as an overall measure of women's equality in society," Fatima Goss Graves, a senior vice president at the National Women's Law Center, said.

Beyond birth control, how Trumpcare might affect women

In 2009, the year before the health law passed, just 13 percent of individual plans that were available to a 30-year-old woman in all the state capitals offered maternity benefits, according to an analysis by...

Business leaders say D.C. bill forbidding questions about salary would be a burden

But women of color earn much less than white men, both nationwide and within the District, according to the National Women’s Law Center. The organization found that black women in D.C. made 55.6 cents for...