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Have you sought information about or access to abortion?

If you have sought an abortion or information about one and are now involved in legal action , the Abortion Access LDF may be able to help you.

If you have an attorney, please have your attorney submit a request for support from the Abortion Access LDF. You can also enter your attorney’s contact information and we will reach out. Do not enter your own contact information. We may contact your attorney regarding next steps, including to schedule a screening interview and to begin the application process.

If you do not yet have an attorney, contact If/When/How’s Repro Legal Helpline.

Learn more about how the Abortion Access LDF works through our Description and FAQs.


The Abortion Access Legal Defense Fund LLC is wholly owned by the National Women’s Law Center.

By providing this information to you, the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and the Abortion Access Legal Defense Fund (Fund) are not becoming your attorneys. Filling in the form also does not mean that NWLC or Fund is becoming your attorney. Providing information to NWLC or Fund will not create an attorney-client relationship unless NWLC/Fund expressly agrees to represent you.

Please do not provide NWLC or Fund with privileged information. We will keep the information you provide in the form confidential to the extent allowed by law.

Please use the form to have an attorney request assistance. Though we cannot guarantee assistance, we will review the requests and make decisions at our sole discretion. Please do not come to our office to request assistance; we do not conduct in-person interviews.

If you have questions, please contact us.