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NWLC Responds to the Introduction of the House Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill
(Washington, D.C.) Today, the House Labor-Health and Human Services subcommittee’s FY 2020 appropriations bill was introduced. The bill includes an additional $2.4 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), which will allow states to serve more women, children, and their families, raise payments to providers, and implement reforms required by the bipartisan re-authorization. It also provides significant increases for other essential early learning programs, including Head Start. The bill includes protections for the Title X family planning program and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, however, it maintains the Hyde and Weldon Amendments – riders that restrict abortion access.
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“This year all eyes are on the United States Congress to demonstrate actionable investments that put women, children and families first. The funding earmarked for expanding access to high-quality, affordable child care and early learning will help parents work, give children a strong start, and grow our economy. We applaud the Subcommittee for including significant new investments in child care and early learning in this bill. But women don’t live single-issue lives, and we are disappointed by the amendments that restrict abortion access. This bill also makes critical investments in women’s health and protecting reproductive health care from the Trump Administration’s attacks. All of these measures set conditions for families in this country to thrive with dignity. Consistent with that approach, we believe it is time for Congress to take the steps necessary to eliminate restrictions on abortion – the income you make, the insurance you have and the place you live should not dictate access to abortion care. It’s time to turn the page on this country’s history of deny patients access to the health care they need.”