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NWLC In The Press

Gretchen Carlson: My Fight Against Sexual Harassment

According to the National Women’s Law Center, almost half of all women have been sexually harassed at work. And those are the ones who have been brave enough to reveal it. Why don’t women tell?

No, Birth Control Coverage Won’t Go Away

Even an Obamacare repeal would take time to pass Congress, and would most likely take years to be implemented. If you want an IUD now, get one. But they won’t go away any time soon....

Three Smart Tips For Overcoming The Gender Pay Gap In Retirement

That’s the amount a woman loses over a 40-year period in her income due to the gender pay gap, according to the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), a nonprofit legal and advocacy group. Or, as Reuter’s columnist wrote,...

Gabrielle Union: ‘I Deserve To Get Paid The Same As Men’

Union makes a valid point.  In August the National Women’s Law Center found that black women in all fields ― from well-paid to poorly-paid ― consistently make less than white, non-Hispanic men. Because of this reality, black...

Why employers’ efforts to support pregnant workers can backfire

“People still have a lot of stereotypes about whether mothers are good workers, and those come into play when women are pregnant,” said Emily Martin, general counsel and vice president for Workplace Justice at nonprofit...

On Election Day, the Hillary Clinton White Suit Effect

“I was watching the debate with a group of friends, and we all said, spontaneously, ‘That’s a gorgeous suit — I want that suit,’ ” said Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the National Women’s Law Center...